Jawandamal Dhannamal

Jawandamal Dhannamal, is a ship recycling company based in Alang, Gujarat.Established in the year 1949, this is a 4th generation family run company. They are an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14000:2015, OHAS 18000:2007 and ISO 30000:2009 certified company.

Class NK officials have reviewed their procedures for ship recycling and have certified Jawandamal Dhannamal for complying with international standards. They are recognized as Class NK ship recycling yard.


Jawandamal Dhannamal
Devkinandan J Gupta Metals LLP

131, Kasara Street, 3rd Lane Darukhana,
Mumbai 400 010. Maharashtra. INDIA

Contact No.

+91 - 022 - 2371 8180

+91 - 022 - 2372 5138


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